
Building a GPU Cluster at home

this post is still WIP

the following may contain errors, please let me know on Twitter

Should you build a home GPU rig?

Should you build a home GPU rig? Maybe. Making a useful tool for yourself can be very rewarding but the skill of planning, setting up and later on maintaining such a rig aren’t transferable to working on deep learning problems. If you don’t end up using it that much it can be a lot of fast depreciating hardware to own. You might want to consider starting smaller: e.g. something like putting two RTX 4090s or even just two RTX 3060 in an older used workstation from ebay (these can be had <500 USD), add a second power supply and add a few fans and maybe leave the side panel off for better airflow (depends on the case of the workstation) and you’ll have a somewhat affordable mini GPU rig. After a few months you’ll know whether that’s something you acutally want more of.

If that’s something you want to do, here is an incomplete list of things to consider:

Send feedback to me on twitter @felix_red_panda my DMs are open. I’d love to get a photo of your GPU rig if this post had any part in helping you design and build it :)